Galway Trampoline Safety Guide – Top 20 Tips

As a parent, you want your children to have fun and enjoy themselves while staying safe. Trampolines are a great way for kids to get some exercise and have fun, but they can also be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken.

Here’s a guide to trampoline safety for parents who have just bought a new trampoline for their kids.

1. Choose the right trampoline

When shopping for a trampoline, it’s important to choose one that is safe and durable. Look for a trampoline with a sturdy frame, good quality springs, and a safety net. Make sure it’s the right size for your children and that it’s placed in a safe location in your yard.

2. Set up the trampoline properly

Before your kids start jumping, make sure the trampoline is set up correctly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and make sure all the parts are securely in place. If you’re not comfortable setting up the trampoline yourself, consider hiring a professional to do it for you.

3. Choose the right location

The location of your trampoline is important for safety. Choose a flat, level surface that is free from obstacles like trees, fences, and power lines. Make sure there is plenty of room around the trampoline for your kids to jump safely. The trampoline should be placed in an area that is easily visible from your home.

4. Use safety equipment

To keep your children safe while jumping, it’s important to use the right safety equipment. A safety net around the trampoline will help prevent falls and keep your kids from bouncing off the trampoline. A trampoline mat cover can also help prevent injuries from falling through the springs. Make sure your children are wearing appropriate clothing and shoes while jumping. No jewelry or hard objects should be worn while jumping.

5. Supervise your children

No matter how safe your trampoline is, it’s important to always supervise your children while they’re jumping. Make sure they’re following the rules and using the trampoline safely. Never leave your children unsupervised while they’re jumping.

6. Set rules for jumping

Before your kids start jumping, set some rules to help keep them safe. These may include:

  • Only one person on the trampoline at a time
  • No somersaults or flips
  • No jumping off the trampoline
  • No jumping while holding objects
  • No jumping while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Make sure your children understand and follow these rules while they’re jumping.

7. Teach safe jumping techniques

Teach your children safe jumping techniques to help prevent injuries. These may include:

  • Jumping in the center of the trampoline
  • Landing with both feet on the mat
  • Keeping their knees slightly bent while jumping
  • Holding their arms out to the sides for balance

Encourage your children to jump at a moderate pace and to take breaks if they feel tired or dizzy.

8. Don’t allow young children to jump

Trampolines are not recommended for children under the age of six. Young children are more prone to injuries because they haven’t fully developed their coordination and balance skills. It’s best to wait until your children are older before allowing them to jump on a trampoline.

9. Inspect the trampoline regularly

Regularly inspect your trampoline for signs of wear and tear. Check the springs, mat, and safety net for any damage. If you notice any damage, stop using the trampoline until it can be repaired or replaced.

10. Be prepared for emergencies

Despite your best efforts, accidents can happen. Make sure you’re prepared for emergencies by having a first aid kit nearby and knowing what to do in case of an injury. If your child is seriously injured, call 911 immediately.

Trampolines can be a fun way for kids to get exercise and burn off some energy, but it’s important to keep safety in mind at all times. Here are a few additional tips to help keep your kids safe while jumping on the trampoline:

11. Limit jumping time

While jumping on a trampoline is a great way to get exercise, it’s important to limit the amount of time your kids spend jumping. Overuse injuries can occur when kids spend too much time on the trampoline, so it’s best to set a time limit for each session.

12. Don’t allow multiple jumpers

While it may be tempting for siblings or friends to jump together, it’s important to only allow one person on the trampoline at a time. Multiple jumpers can collide and cause injuries, so it’s best to avoid this situation altogether.

13. Keep pets away

Pets can get in the way of jumpers and cause accidents, so it’s best to keep them away from the trampoline while it’s in use.

14. Keep the area clear

Make sure the area around the trampoline is clear of any objects that could cause injury. This includes toys, bikes, and other play equipment. It’s best to keep the area around the trampoline clear at all times, even when it’s not in use.

15. Don’t allow stunts

While it may be tempting for kids to try out new tricks and stunts on the trampoline, it’s important to discourage this behavior. Flips and somersaults can be dangerous, and it’s best to stick to simple jumping techniques.

16. Monitor weather conditions

Trampolines should never be used during inclement weather, including rain, wind, and lightning. Always monitor weather conditions and bring your kids inside if there is any risk of bad weather.

17. Consider adding safety pads

If your trampoline doesn’t come with safety pads, consider adding them to the frame and springs. These pads can help prevent injuries if someone falls onto the frame or springs while jumping.

18. Store the ladder

If your trampoline has a ladder, it’s best to remove it and store it away when the trampoline is not in use. Ladders can tempt young children to climb onto the trampoline unsupervised, which can be dangerous.

19. Encourage stretching

Encourage your kids to stretch before and after jumping on the trampoline. This can help prevent injuries and keep their muscles flexible.

20. Follow weight limits

Trampolines have weight limits for a reason, so it’s important to follow these guidelines. Overloading the trampoline with too much weight can cause it to become unstable and increase the risk of injury.


In conclusion, trampolines can be a fun and exciting way for kids to get exercise and have fun, but it’s important to keep safety in mind at all times. Follow these tips to help keep your kids safe while jumping on the trampoline, and always supervise them while they’re using it. With the right precautions, your kids can enjoy the trampoline while staying safe and injury-free.